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Registration Date Reset – Returning Members

Returning Members - WishList Member

Setting a membership level to expire is common for some types of membership sites. This results in access expiring for members after a set period of time. In WishList Member, if a membership level has an Expiration Option set to be either a Fixed Term or a Specific Date, that means access to that level is set to eventually expire for members. So at some point, members won’t be able to access the protected content any more when their membership runs its course. But, can a returning member re-join through WishList Member?

What happens if you want to allow members to return and re-join the level after (or before) their access expires?

That is a good question and one that WishList Member can handle. The WishList Member plugin includes an option to allow the registration date to be reset upon re-registration. This means you can allow returning members to re-join through WishList Member if you would like that to be the case. Lets get into how this can be done.

Enable Registration Reset Date – Returning Members

There are two Registration Date Reset options for each membership level. More details on each option is provided below.

  • Registration Date Reset: For Expired Level
  • Registration Date Reset: For Active Level

These options can be found in the Setup > Levels > *Click to edit Level* > Additional Settings section in WishList Member.

Returning Members - WishList Member

Registration Date Reset: For Expired Level. If enabled, the registration date will be reset when a member re-registers for an expired level. The registration date will be reset to the new date the member registered for the level which will result in the member having an active status for the level. The member will now also have a new expiration date for the membership level.

Registration Date Reset: For Active Level. If enabled, the registration date will be reset when a member re-registers for an active level. The registration date will be reset to the new date the member registered for the level which will result in the member retaining the active status for the level.

Note: For the Active Level option, if the level expiration option is a Fixed Term (one week, one month, etc.), the remaining duration of that fixed term will be included when calculating the registration date that will be reset.

As an example, you can enable the Registration Date Reset: For Active Level option to reset the registration date for a member if they re-register for an active level.

So this would reset the registration date if the member re-registers to the same level and would extend their expiration date.

Returning Members - WishList Member

Or you could enable the Registration Date Reset: For Expired Level option to allow members who have previously run out of time for the level to re-join and access it again.

This would allow a member to return and get back in on the action by regaining access to the membership level.

Returning Members - WishList Member

One thing to note when using the Registration Date Reset option is the member's new registration date would dictate the new Expiration Date for a membership level set to expire. The member would get the amount of time allotted by the membership level Expiration Option from the day they re-register.

The Registration Date Reset option in WishList Member takes returning members into account. You can use it to allow members to return to your membership site.

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